Imbi's Christmas ... our angels

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She's an angel.

Her floating thoughts
touch us
when the snow falls
or when the winds circle
through the sky
the evening stars.

She knows not
how we miss her,
how we reach
with our hearts.


The winterlight
it shines so soft
on snow
and through our windows.
It's like the mornings,
waking up
and looking
on a sleeping baby's face.

I know you are up there
and happy.
But I would have laid the table
with love,
and more...

I would have sat here
reading stories
and watch with you
Santa coming through the door.

Be well
my fairy,
little angel,
play happy
in that world that is so far
that tears bite in my eyes
when I try to go there,
for the brightest

© Imbi 2002

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Each year at Christmas
I hear people talking
about what they've planned with their families.

I love to see the joy on their faces,
and enjoy hearing their stories.

But the Christmasspirit
has changed for me over the years
from looking up to the tree
in childlike amazement
to the deep pain in my heart
that I am one of those people
who never can have
a complete family around the table.

Even though
so many children's voices
fill the house,
I feel the emptiness
of missing beloved ones.

My father,
my grandmother,
and most of all:
Winnie and Jenny,
my babies
who've passed away too soon.

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Pagedesign copyright notice
© Zolan Fine Arts, LLC
Zolan registered Trademark

Permission granted to use this page
the way it is by Jennifer Zolan
at december, 16 2002.

This is a small image of the painting "Harp Song"
©Zolan Fine Arts, LLC All Rights Reserved
To purchase this beautiful painting by Donald Zolan,
click on image to visit his web site gallery.

Floating golden heart script:

Made with love by

May 14, 2001

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