Imbi's Christmas ... angels visit




The little angels at night

a christmas story for the little ones.

Mary was very tired
and when it was dark
she fel asleep.
And the little baby Jesus
slept beside her.

It was hours after that
when Mary woke up,
because the baby
made soft noises.

She was surprised
that even the slightest sound
of the baby
broke through
her deepest sleep.

She smiled
and fed him.
And she was soooo very glad
with this little one.
Like all mothers
all over the world are
with their new children.

the little place in the barn
was all light and warm.
Mary didn't know what happened.

She looked up
and saw
group of young angels.
They were
just as old as you are.
And do you know why they came???
To see the newborn baby!

They were all very eager to see him
and stood on the tip of their toes
to have a peek.

They loved him at first sight.
And Mary smiled when she heard
their "oh"'s and "ah"'s.
Ofcourse she could see he was cute,
but it's always nice
to hear other people
say that aloud.

The angels felt so happy
that they wanted to give
something special to the baby.
But they didn't know what.

Just when they began to feel
a bit sad
one of the angels had the idea
that each of them
could make a special wish
for this beautiful baby.

That was a good idea!!!
They all got excited,
and Mary had to ask them
to keep silent.
They all throught well and
each of them
made a little wish.
One said:
"I wish you can wait ten seconds
before you get mad."
And another said:
"I hope you will always smile
even when people are not nice to you."
And the tiniest angel wished:
"I hope their will always
hundreds of daisies
where-ever you walk."

They all made a wish
and felt very happy
to do so.
If all these wishes would come true
the baby would be the best
human being
on earth.

They all had a lot of fun.
They were amazed that such a baby
could already
firmly grasp a finger.
And they sat a long time
looking at the little face
that was so very relaxed.

When the baby fell asleep
Mary asked them to go.
"Keep this precious feeling
that a new baby gives you
in your heart
and spread it
through the world
together with your

Which was a very good idea
because little angels
spread their angelsdust
all over the world
mainly when children are asleep.
As sound as this little baby
in that dark, cold night
long and far away.



And now you know
why people smile
and feel happy
when they are sprinkled
with angeldust.